Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 34 of 365 Days of Thanks

At church we have been doing a series about having a Servants Heart. This Sunday towards the end of the service we were asked to take a moment and pray that God would show us how he wants to use us this week to serve Him and to show His love to others. So as I sat there and started praying, I thought of the easy things that I was pretty sure He was going to have me do (ie serve in my marriage, or maybe at work, etc) but then something came to my mind that I KNEW was only from Him - this is not something I would have thought of on my own nor is it something that is Easy. So I started to get nervous and tell God, "you must be mistaken, this is out of my comfort zone".

So that afternoon when we got home I shared with my hubby what God was prompting me to do (of course, I was looking for my hubby to say "no way") instead he shared with me that God had prompted him to do something similar just the day before (for the same people that God was asking me to serve) Hmmm, I have always asked God to "make it clear" send me a billboard, if you will. Well, here was my billboard. So I sat on it for a day or so, then I talked to a friend and she agreed that it is something I need to do. Then this morning a friend of mine posted this as his status. I am thankful that God used Marcus to "drive home His point" - here is what he wrote... "Obedience to Christ is not's not comfortable, it not about health, wealth, and prosperity in this world. Obedience to Christ risks losing all of these things. But in the end such risk finds its reward in Christ. And He is more than enough for us."

So...I still don't know how, and I still don't know when I will get the nerve to do what God has asked. But I am praying that my hubby and I can do it together no matter how much this is out of both of our comfort zones.

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